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Monday Michiru: Kanreki

Monday Michiru: Kanreki

August 25, 2023

Since her solo album debut in 1991, songstress and flutist Monday Michiru has steadily continued to grace international stages and recordings both as a soloist and collaborator. Known as one of the pioneers of the Japanese acid jazz movement and boasting countless dance floor and radio hits worldwide, Monday’s compositional style and repertoire has evolved to that which is uniquely hers with reflections of jazz, soul, Brazilian, folk, and other urban and world flavors. Her most recent project ENSO released in 2022 highlights collaborations with Gil Goldstein, Miho Hazama, Ursula Rucker, Lucas Arruda and others, and ended up on the “Best of 2022” lists by various music influencers worldwide.

Born in Tokyo, Japan to jazz musician parents Toshiko Akiyoshi and Charlie Mariano, and raised bi-coastally in the U.S. by Akiyoshi and tenor sax/flutist Lew Tabackin, Monday Michiru, so named to reflect both her Japanese and American-Italian heritage, started music classically on flute, studied at Interlochen Arts Academy on scholarship, and later gravitated to vocals, composition and production. A surprise turn to acting garnered her a Best New Actress award by the Japan Film Academy and others, prompting a move to Japan where she furthered her career both in film and music. By 2000, when Monday moved back to New York, the list of her album releases and headlining performances worldwide was already long, yet her prolific output showed no signs of slowing down. Her compositional explorations have led her to a more expressive and mature style that is an organic growth from her roots. Monday continues to live and perform in New York while touring often to Japan and Europe, and leads a lyric writing workshop “Lyricize.”

The August 25th Joe’s Pub performance “Kanreki” will feature a selection of Monday’s music past, present, and future as she celebrates 60 circles around the sun.

87年デビュー映画「光る女」で第11回日本アカデミー賞新人俳優賞、87年度キネマ旬報新人女優賞他受賞。以後映画、TV·CF出演、DJと様々なフィールドで活躍し、活動フィールドを音楽に固め「秋吉満ちる」から本名である「Monday満ちる」に変更。90年以降はさらに活動の場を海外へも広げソロとしての活動の他にシンガー兼ライターとしてDJ Krush, Mondo Grosso, Kyoto Jazz Massive, Basement Jaxx, UA, Masters At Work, Joe Clausell, Lisa Onoなど、その他多くのアーティスト達のコラボレーション作品をリリースする。シーンにおいて数少ない女性クリエイターとしての確固たる地位をも築き、プロデュースも手掛けるレアな女性シンガー·ソングライターである。世界中のフェスティバルや会場に招聘され演奏しながらも着々とコンスタントにオリジナルアルバムをリリースし続けている。2015年7月には遂に親子共作のアルバムを発売。 音楽の他にも年を重ねてもスタイリッシュであり続けているライフスタイルから NY在住ながらもインドネシアのコスメブランド「PAC」のブランドアンバサダに2年間就任の経験もあり、感度の高い層から絶大な支持を集める東京発信のファッションブランド「Madison Blue」のアイコンモデルも2019年まで務めた。今年2022年7月最新アルバムENSOが発売しGil Goldstein, Hazama Miho、Lew Tabackin, Ursula Rucker, Lucas Arrudaなど様々なアァティストとのコラボ。その幅広いジャンルに響く歌声は多くの人に支持され続け世界に活動の場を広げている。

Photo credit: Takashi Matsuzaki


August 25, 2023


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FRI 08/25 7:00 PM