THE DEVISED THEATER WORKING GROUP (DTWG) is an artist resource group designed for live arts-makers of all disciplines. Formed as a complementary program to the Under the Radar Festival in 2014, DTWG creates an infrastructure to support collaborative collectives and other untraditional originators as they forge new theater. By offering the dramaturgical, technical, artistic and administrative resources of The Public Theater, DTWG operates as part of Under the Radar Festival, where unique modes of creation and independent theater-making are elevated annually.
Fostering a spirit of collaboration, DTWG cohort members join together for monthly group meetings. DTWG meetings contribute to artistic and professional development while nurturing a community of supportive artistic relationships. The INCOMING! Series of Under the Radar was created as a platform to feature in-process works by DTWG artists.
The Devised Theater Working Group is made possible with support from The Jerome Foundation.
Pictured: where love lies fallow. Photo courtesy of The Shed